導演 Rob Reiner 出品 美國 / 2008 延伸閱讀 http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0825232/ |
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Carter Chambers: You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you.
卡特強伯斯︰你有多少成就端視有多少人看重你。 ----------
Edward Cole: Here's something to remember when you're older Thomas - never pass up a bathroom, never waste a hard-on, and never trust a fart.
愛德華寇爾︰湯瑪斯,當你年紀大了,有幾件事你要謹記︰想上廁所就要上,有愛就趕緊做,不要以為有放屁就一定有大便。 -----------
Edward Cole: I honestly envy people who have faith, I just can't get my head around it. Carter Chambers: Maybe because your head's in the way.
愛德華寇爾︰我真羨慕那些有信仰的人。但我的腦筋就是轉不過來去接受信仰。 卡特強伯斯︰也許問題就出在你的腦筋。 -----------
Carter Chambers: The Buddhists believe you keep coming back moving up or down a level based on how you lived your life. Edward Cole: See, that's where they lose me. What does a snail have to do to reincarnate? Leave the perfect trail of slime?
卡特強伯斯︰佛教徒相信人世有輪迴,就看你在世時做好做壞轉世的命就變好或變壞。 愛德華寇爾︰你看,我就是無法接受這種想法。那蝸牛要怎樣才能轉世?留下一道完美的黏液痕? |