導演 Jon Favreau 出品 美國 / 2008 延伸閱讀 |
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【身為軍火製造商史氏工業的董事長,東尼史塔克為駐守在阿富汗的美軍展示最新武器】 Tony Stark: They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I prefer the weapon you only need to fire once. That's how dad did it, that's how America does it, and it's worked out pretty well so far. 東尼:人們說最好的武器是根本不需動用的武器。我個人比較偏愛只要發射一次的武器。這是我老爸的作法,也是美國政府的作法,而且效果一向挺好。 -------------------------- 【在一場慈善晚會上,年輕貌美的女記者試圖以娛樂雜誌之名接近東尼史塔克】 Christine Everheart: Mr. Stark! Christine Everheart,Vanity Fair magazine. Can I ask you a couple of questions? Hogan: [whispers to Stark] She's cute. Tony Stark: [whispers to Hogan] She's alright? [turns around] Tony Stark: Hi! Christine Everheart: Hi. Tony Stark: Yeah. Okay, go. Christine Everheart: You've been called the Da Vinci of our time. What do you say to that? Tony Stark: Absolutely ridiculous. I don't paint. Christine Everheart: And what do you say to your other nickname, the Merchant of Death? Tony Stark: That's not bad. Let me guess... Berkeley? Christine Everheart: Brown, actually. Tony Stark: Well, Ms. Brown. It's an imperfect world, but it's the only one we got. I guarantee you the day weapons are no longer needed to keep the peace, I'll start making bricks and beams for baby hospitals. Christine Everheart: Rehearse that much? Tony Stark: Every night in front of the mirror before bedtime. Christine Everheart: I can see that. Tony Stark: I'd like to show you firsthand. 克絲汀:史塔克先生,我是《浮華世界》雜誌記者,可以請教你幾個問題嗎? 赫根:〔悄聲對史塔克說〕她很正。 東尼:〔小聲回應〕我想她沒問題。〔轉過身去〕 東尼:嗨! 克絲汀:嗨。 東尼:好,請說。 克絲汀:你被譽為當代的達文西,你有什麼感想? 東尼:太荒謬了!我又不會畫畫。 克絲汀:那另一個綽號你覺得如何,死亡商人。 東尼:其實不壞呀。我猜猜,柏克萊大學畢業的? 克絲汀:其實是布朗。 (譯註:兩所皆是美國頂尖名校) 東尼:布朗小姐,這是一個不完美的世界,但也是我們僅有的世界。我向你保證等到我們不再需要使用武器來維持和平時,我會開始生產用來蓋兒童醫院的一樑一柱。 克絲汀:想必經常演練這樣的說詞。 東尼:每晚上床前都在鏡子前面練習呢。 克絲汀:聽得出來你的用心。 東尼:我很願意為妳親身示範。 ----------------------- 【東尼從阿富汗逃脫後召開記者會說明史氏工業的發展轉向】 Tony Stark: I never got to say goodbye to my father. There's questions I would've asked him. I would've asked him how he felt about what his company did, if he was conflicted, if he ever had doubts. Or maybe he was every inch of man we remember from the newsreels. I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them. And I saw that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero-accountability. Press Reporter #1: Mr. Stark, what happened over there? Tony Stark: I had my eyes opened. I came to realize that I had more to offer this world than just making things that blow up. And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark Industries. 東尼:我從來沒有機會向我父親道別。如果有機會我會想問他幾個問題。我會問他對於史氏工業的作為他有何感受,是否也曾懷疑、感受矛盾衝突?或者他就是毫釐不差地那個我們從新聞記錄中認識的偉人?我看到美國青年死在我生產來護衛他們的武器之下,我看到自己已經融入可輕鬆脫罪的體制。 記者:史塔克先生,你究竟在阿富汗遭遇何事? 東尼:我眼界大開。我終於瞭解到除了製造那些會爆炸的鬼東西以外,我還能這世界做點其他的。這也就是為何我要關閉史氏工業的武器製造部門,這決定即刻生效。 -------------------- 【小辣椒到機場迎接東尼】 Tony Stark: Hmmm. Your eyes are red. Tears for your long lost boss? Virginia 'Pepper' Potts: Tears of joy, maybe. I hate job hunting. Tony Stark: Yeah, well, vacation's over. 東尼:嗯…眼睛紅紅的,為你長期失蹤的老闆哭了? 小辣椒:也許是喜極而泣吧,我討厭重新找工作。 東尼:是喔,好吧,假期結束了。 --------------------- 【東尼複製出新的能源心臟】 Virginia 'Pepper' Potts: [referring to Stark's old heart machine] What do you want me to do with this? Tony Stark: That? Destroy it. Incinerate it. Virginia 'Pepper' Potts: You don't want to keep it? Tony Stark: Pepper, I've been called many things. Nostalgic is not one of them. 小辣椒:〔指向東尼的舊心臟〕你要我怎麼處理它? 東尼:那玩意?毀了它,丟進焚化爐吧。 小辣椒:你不想留作紀念嗎? 東尼:人們給我各種名號,「念舊」可不在其中。 |