- Jul 18 Sat 2015 11:50
5 Reaffirming Thoughts For When Your Mind Is Heavily Clouded By Doubt
- Jul 17 Fri 2015 14:27
威爾斯美語學習大補帖 Left-Handers are likely to
威爾斯美語補習班學習大補帖 Left-Handers are likely to be more creative
Out of the entire world’s population, only about 13% are left-handers. Even now, we still don’t understand the reason why a person is this way. Many people believe it may be genetic. This means if a child is a left hander, one of their parents probably is too. One thing is definitely true, though. Lefties use a different part of their brain. They think with the right side while most think with the left. And since the right area deals with creativity, lefties are likely to have big imaginations.
- Jul 16 Thu 2015 11:46
The Most Productive People Have One Thing In Common: They Do Nothing
- Jul 15 Wed 2015 13:05
- Jul 14 Tue 2015 11:30
16 Delicious Ways To Make Carbs Your Friend, Not Your Enemy
- Jul 13 Mon 2015 10:55
- Jul 12 Sun 2015 14:40
How To Control Your Energy And Purposefully Give Off Certain Vibes
When I think of the word radiation, a hazard sign and an energy plant surrounded by warning signals immediately come to mind.
- Jul 11 Sat 2015 14:37
3 Ways To Embrace Your Sense Of Curiosity Without Going Overboard
Curiosity asks questions of us and pokes at us to find the answers. It excites us and scares us to almost equal degrees.
- Jul 10 Fri 2015 12:24
我為何選擇威爾斯美語:採取小班制教學,讓每位學員皆有機會練習會話。無論是外師或本國教師在課堂上皆與學員有良好互動。教學內容豐富多元,將生活題材融入教學中,使學員們更容易應用生活式對話,讓生活更加精采。 威爾斯美語讓我印象最深刻的地方:老師們的教學態度,亦師亦友,輕鬆活潑,讓學員們沒有壓力地學習。在課程中,教師們會給我們一個議題或主題,讓我們去思考討論,增進練習會話的機會。 我會推薦誰來學習:why?∼ 推薦身邊有想學習美語的朋友。相信只要有心學習,配合教師們教學腳步,課後勤於複習,必能看見自己進步的成果。
- Jul 09 Thu 2015 12:29
She Doesn’t Need You: Why Everyone Is Afraid Of An Independent Woman
Sometimes it feels as if every single woman ever to grace the silver screen of a major motion Hollywood picture is depicted the same exact way. A trip to the movie theatre is f*cking groundhogs day.