It is a concept (and absolutely wonderful advice) that stands as a lesser-represented idiomatic phrase from our childhoods. Many of us remember classics like, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Or, “I’m rubber and you’re glue; whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.”
- Nov 05 Wed 2014 09:15
Why We Should Say What We Mean And Mean What We Say
- Nov 04 Tue 2014 09:12
6 Types Of Friends You’ll Find Yourself Breaking Up With In Your 20s
Recently, my social media outlets have been blowing up with memes about how “the best friends are the ones who have known you the longest.” Or, “your best friends are the ones from childhood.” Blah, blah, blah.
- Nov 03 Mon 2014 11:49
The 9 To 5 Myth: Your Success Is Measured By What You Do Off The Clock
I was listening to Beyoncé on my walk home from work one evening. (My music tastes are becoming way too predictable…) It was late enough where I had missed the post-work rush.
- Nov 02 Sun 2014 08:55
Traveling Is A Great Experience, But It Is Not The Answer To Your Problems
“Eat, Pray, Love” was a load of sh*t.
Okay, perhaps I need not be so harsh. A woman went through a horrific breakup, subsequent life crisis and chose to find enlightenment, pleasure and healing by traveling the world. We should all be so lucky.
- Nov 01 Sat 2014 13:55
Leave Your Ego At The Door: 8 Ways Arrogance Will Hinder Your Opportunities
Arrogance is a virtue that can kill your opportunities and networks almost certainly. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance, and I am sure everyone knows someone who shares either of these qualities; perhaps you yourself have been accused of exhibiting this attitude.
Being confident isn’t the problem, the problem arises when confidence isn’t expressed in a proper manner. Unfortunately, many times, confidence is mistaken for being cocky and that turns everyone off to your appearance and voice.
- Oct 31 Fri 2014 20:57
- Oct 30 Thu 2014 08:46
The History and Origin of Halloween
Halloween as it is celebrated these days is but a pale representation of its rich and multicultural history. It is not, as some would call it, a celebration of the Devil or of Hell or of the Damned, but rather a blending of the celebrations marking the end of the growing season, a heralding of the coming of the winter months and folk traditions that told of the day when the veil between the living and the dead, ever a transparent, gossamer veil at that, would lift and ghosts and ghouls would walk among the living. From those many traditions, coming to us from the Celts, the Roman rituals and even Catholic tradition, we get the stirrings of what would eventually become Halloween.
- Oct 29 Wed 2014 14:01
- Oct 28 Tue 2014 08:50
Don’t Hide Your Real Face: 10 Reasons Why You Should Wear Less Makeup
- Oct 27 Mon 2014 12:29