教你們一個超讚的英文,「默契」的英文怎麼說? 例如夫妻很有默契常知道對方在想甚麼。或當一個孕婦上公車,大家有默契的讓位。

1. When a blind man got on the bus, a person yielded his seat to him. The kind act is out of a silent understanding.

2. My wife and I have been married for fifty years now. We often complete each other's sentences.
1] silent understanding

[2] chemistry

[3] camaraderie

[4] coincidence

[5] close to each other

[6] know what each other thinks

[7] unspoken agreement

silent understanding 指雙方不用聲音就知道如何配合彼此,如例句所表示的「陌生人主動讓位給盲人,這種無聲之中達成的默契」,也可說 silent thoughtfulness 或 quiet consideration.

chemistry 指兩人互動很好,很懂彼此,是默契的最佳翻譯,可用在朋友或情侶或團隊。camaraderie 常用在運動隊伍表示隊員之間的默契;coincidence 就是碰巧,有時默契就是碰巧的意思,例如你打電話來的時候我正好也要打給你,就是碰巧。

close 指兩人很親密,感情好,常常知道對方在想甚麼。unspoken agreement 的意思是沒有明說卻雙方暗自有默契的協議。

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