Some people are just blessed with the ability to pack in 36 hours worth of day into 24 short hours. You work hard, you play hard, you rest hard, and you party hard. Despite the chronic lack of sleep, perpetual hangovers and constant exertion, somehow you just keep killing it. You’re the definition of a reckless success:
1. Mid-week drinks are a breeze.
You have a 9am meeting the following day, but despite that, you find yourself ordering a final round at closing time. Most people would be worried about the inevitable hangover that they have coming to them, but not you. You’ll be up at the crack of dawn, bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to take on the day like a pro.
2. You’ve nailed interviews while slightly tipsy.
You turn up looking polished and professional, with minty fresh breath, and give a firm handshake. But in your head, the remnants of last night’s “one more” is lingering. No worries though, if anything, this works in your favour. You’re confident, composed and commanding, unafraid to ask the right questions and answer their queries with ease. Who knew that Jameson was the magic interview juice?
3. Some of your best ideas come to you at 3am.
You’re just on your way back from an art gallery opening when all of a sudden it hits you: a moment of inspiration and genius. Thank god for iPhones because the chances of you remembering the next morning are minimal. Luckily, you’ve managed to tap out three misspelt bullet points on your notes, which will be an essential reminder as you rush to the office in the AM. You’re going to blow them away at this meeting.
4. No rest for the wicked.
On average, you manage to get about 20 hours of sleep a week. Naps are key to your success and the ability to catch a sneaky 30 minutes on a packed commuter train is an art form you’ve perfected.
5. The social butterfly is your spirit animal.
You move from group to group like a particularly energetic bumble bee, being the center piece in each, and finding common ground with each niche. This is exactly why you stay fully booked week in and week out; book club meets Monday, volleyball Wednesday, obviously post-work drinks on Thursday, and then you have various birthdays, celebrations, weddings and fitness fads to sandwich in between. Fuck it, go hard or go home.
6. Work hard, play hard.
Work only takes up eight hours a day, and you bosh through those like a seasoned professional. That leaves an entire 16 hours spare for play time and you make sure those hours count. They do say that life is all about balance.
7. Coffee and cigarettes are your power ups.
Like an itching crack fiend looking for their next fix, that bitter brown elixir of the Gods is exactly what you look for to give you that additional boost and get you back up on the horse. Unfortunately, your tolerance for the sweet, sweet caffeine buzz is now high enough to warrant your own java IV drip sent directly into your veins. Maybe it’s time to check out some rehab clinics.
8. You’re always in the right place at the right time.
Inexplicably, you wander into scheduled meetings you've forgotten all about, bump into CEOs at lunch and end up sitting next to your boss in the bar after work. None of this is planned, none of this is intentional, the Universe just seems to be looking out for you - pushing you to succeed.