New studies suggest that women are happiest aged 25, most popular aged 29 and stressed by 34. Really? Radhika Sanghani says that just isn't the case for most people in their twenties
Next year is meant to be the happiest year of my life. This isn’t because I’m due to get married, travel the world, or do anything else especially life-changing. Instead, it’s because I’m going to turn 25 - and according to a new study,that’s when we women are at our happiest.
Oh and, so far this month, we've also been told that we're most popular at 29, and most stressed aged 34.
It’s a lovely thought that I could be entering the best year of my life. But I’m just not sure it’s true. Who are these 2,000 women surveyed by beauty firm Inner Me? For my millennial friends and I, our twenties are not exactly carefree, glorious and unconditionally happy years. If anything, they’re an emotional rollercoaster.
We know that millennials are in a tough place – the economic downturn means that we’re more likely to still be known as Generation Rent well into our thirties. And even if we’re not living back at home with our parents, owning a home and settling down look further away than ever.
Financially, things aren't great. Photo: Jenny Matthews/Alamy
But those aren’t the reasons why we’re struggling so much. I’ve written before about how millennials are pretty good at accepting our lowly prospects and tend not to have particularly high life expectations when it comes to the unattainable (mortgages). It means we are often quite happy - until a new life stress brings us back down to reality. It's a yo-yo existence that isn't determined so much by external influences as our own mental states.
What it comes down to is this: we're not that great at handling a crisis. We let the little things get in the way of our happiness. A friend told me last night: "I feel like I'm permanently on the verge of breakdown. Every time I think things are OK, I suddenly realise I have no idea what I'm doing with my life."
She isn't going through anything disastrous - it's more the everyday struggles of starting a new job where she's the most junior employee. Her colleagues, all older, seem to cope easily. But she can't. And she's not the only one - pretty much every millennial I've spoken to has felt like this in their early and mid twenties.
It's why I think our biggest barrier to utter, blissful, happiness is confidence – or a lack thereof. This is something that Dr Meg Jay explores in her seminal book (and millennial bible) The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How To Make The Most Of Them Now.
She explains that the twenties are a relatively new decade. Previous generations had just three stages: childhood, adolescence and adulthood. But for Gen Y and beyond, there’s a new phase where, to quote Britney Spears, you’re not a girl, not yet a woman. You’re a millennial.
Britney Spears. Photo:
It’s why I can’t imagine being happier at 25 years old than I will be in my thirties. I know that if I do go on to get a mortgage, marry and start a family, I’ll have huge responsibilities that will undoubtedly bring their own stresses (hello, 34). But – and this is the millennial dream – I’ll be an adult. I’ll know my own mind, and I’ll even understand APR.
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This is the problem with being a 20-something right now. We’re still figuring out who we are. We might be having fun on Saturday nights when we're out drinking with our mates, but it's not the same as having an inner, calm sense of contentment.
We’re in our first jobs, learning to ditch our schoolgirl habits and make the most of the workplace. Most of us are suffering from Imposter Syndrome, which normally kicks in when you’re at a fancy work event and have no idea what on earth you’re doing there.
Dr Jay explains that it takes about 10,000 hours, or about five years, to really master the workplace. It sounds terrifying at first (five years?!) but it explains a lot, primarily why all your colleagues look so poised and confident. They’re not superhumans – it’s just that they’ve been there for longer and have gained a natural confidence from succeeding and surviving in their roles.
Being new is hard. Photo: Devil Wears Prada film stills
At 25, it's hard to have this innate confidence because we don’t have enough experience to know we can cope in any situation. It doesn’t matter how certain you are that you’ll be a success – until you see it in action and recover from those inevitable failures, you won’t reallyknow it. And you won't be totally happy.
On top of that, Dr Jay explains that our young brains are still developing their frontal lobes, which are in charge of overriding emotion with reason. It means that, combined with our lack of experience, we take criticism and feedback more personally than we should. It's not always our fault - it's just the way our minds work. As much as we might try to master everything immediately, it's not really going to happen until we put in the hours. All 10,000 of them.
By my calculations, that means that unless we started our first jobs at 20 - which is pretty rare - most of us won't be truly content until we're in our late twenties. But, by the time we're in our thirties, we should be well on our way to true happiness. Right?