True confession: I really, really love when I have the deep, dark blues. There’s something incredibly relieving and indulgent aboutdramatically crying alone in your bedroom or the vacant phonebooth or the bathroom at Chop’t.
目前分類:訊息分享 (420)
- Nov 23 Sun 2014 08:54
Feel Good About Feeling Bad: Why Wallowing In Your Sadness Is Healthy
- Nov 22 Sat 2014 09:36
5 Ways You Can Be A Real Gentleman In A World Full Of Boys
I keep hearing people proclaim the death of the gentleman. Everywhere I turn, I see overgrown boys speak to women in abominable ways. I see them playing manipulative games and emotionally punishing women like a pack of high school children.
- Nov 20 Thu 2014 09:23
The Costanza Effect: Why People Who Take Naps Are More Productive
- Nov 18 Tue 2014 09:24
The Science Of Simplicity: Why Successful People Wear The Same Thing Every Day
Have you ever thought about how much time you likely waste deciding what to wear in the morning? It’s probably made you late to school or work more times than you can count.
- Nov 17 Mon 2014 13:58
- Nov 16 Sun 2014 09:45
5 Reasons Why Group Dinners Are, Literally, The Worst Thing In The World
Group dinners are the fastest way to commit social suicide. The stress that comes from figuring out a place, whom to invite and how best to split the bill is a nightmare no one really asked for.
Why do we even succumb to dinner after dinner, knowing the full extent of what to expect? Because peer pressure, obligations and forced upon FOMO — that’s why.
- Nov 15 Sat 2014 11:10
10 Reasons You’re Not Dirty, You’re An Organized Mess
I’ve always been told I’m a mess. I can’t really argue that point. As soon as I put on a white v-neck (I wear a white v-neck almost every day), it takes about, I don’t know, four minutes before I stain it with spaghetti sauce. I’m rarely ever even eating spaghetti either — that’s the bizarre part.
It just comes with the “messy” territory, I guess. But being “messy” just sounds like sh*t, no pun intended.
- Nov 13 Thu 2014 11:33
Winter time~ Let's go snowboarding!!
- Nov 11 Tue 2014 10:48
25 Things Every Woman Needs To Break Up With Before She Turns 30
Attachments are the root of all heartache — and the average 20-something woman has more attachments than Miley Cyrus does daddy issues.
Throughout the years we’ve accumulated a messy array of attachments and are dragging them with us to our new jobs, apartments and grown-up lives.
- Nov 10 Mon 2014 11:46
- Nov 09 Sun 2014 08:50
- Nov 08 Sat 2014 09:11
- Nov 07 Fri 2014 09:22
4 Life Truths I Learned In The Wake Of Losing Someone I Deeply Cared For
Life is pretty fickle. One moment, your biggest concern will be whether to order Chinese food or pizza, and the next moment, you will be rocked by something that comes with no warning.
- Nov 06 Thu 2014 09:14
10, 15 Or 20 Lbs: It Won’t Matter If You Lose Weight If You Don’t Love Yourself
Since I was a little girl, I was always the tallest or bigger one out of my friends. That and other underlying issues didn’t make for the most secure childhood, and that grew into being an overly insecure adolescent.
- Nov 05 Wed 2014 09:15
Why We Should Say What We Mean And Mean What We Say
It is a concept (and absolutely wonderful advice) that stands as a lesser-represented idiomatic phrase from our childhoods. Many of us remember classics like, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Or, “I’m rubber and you’re glue; whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.”
- Nov 04 Tue 2014 09:12
6 Types Of Friends You’ll Find Yourself Breaking Up With In Your 20s
Recently, my social media outlets have been blowing up with memes about how “the best friends are the ones who have known you the longest.” Or, “your best friends are the ones from childhood.” Blah, blah, blah.
- Nov 03 Mon 2014 11:49
The 9 To 5 Myth: Your Success Is Measured By What You Do Off The Clock
I was listening to Beyoncé on my walk home from work one evening. (My music tastes are becoming way too predictable…) It was late enough where I had missed the post-work rush.
- Nov 02 Sun 2014 08:55
Traveling Is A Great Experience, But It Is Not The Answer To Your Problems
“Eat, Pray, Love” was a load of sh*t.
Okay, perhaps I need not be so harsh. A woman went through a horrific breakup, subsequent life crisis and chose to find enlightenment, pleasure and healing by traveling the world. We should all be so lucky.
- Nov 01 Sat 2014 13:55
Leave Your Ego At The Door: 8 Ways Arrogance Will Hinder Your Opportunities
Arrogance is a virtue that can kill your opportunities and networks almost certainly. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance, and I am sure everyone knows someone who shares either of these qualities; perhaps you yourself have been accused of exhibiting this attitude.
Being confident isn’t the problem, the problem arises when confidence isn’t expressed in a proper manner. Unfortunately, many times, confidence is mistaken for being cocky and that turns everyone off to your appearance and voice.
- Oct 31 Fri 2014 20:57