There comes a point when you have been single for so long that you shift from wanting a relationship so badly to feeling terrified about the idea.


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  • 在報名威爾斯的終身學習課程以前,我原本就在補TOEIC證照班,為了讓我的證照可以實至名歸,在顧問的鼓勵之下待業中的我做了超出預算的決定,除了面試跟補習的時間之外,我每天到Wells使用多媒體跟面授課程,密集的加強我的美語能力,如今,我找到一份滿意的工作、許多互相激勵的超級好朋友,開始上課到現在已經四個月而且還可以持續上課,最讚的是不用再繳錢喔!  



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Few things in the animal kingdom are stronger than the bond between people and dogs, and it is the simple but powerful force behind this relationship that gives illustrator John Stortz’s photos their charm. As he travels throughout the United states with his beautiful and fittingly named dog Wolf, he takes photos of some of the beautiful locations they visit.

The dog, whose full name is Wolfgang, teamed up with Stortz when he adopted Wolf from a shelter about two years ago.


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威爾斯美語補習班<每日一句學英文> 聖誕節篇


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By freezing beautiful and colorful flowers into large blocks of ice, Japanese artist Kenji Shibata has created a subject for his photos that is both strikingly beautiful and poignantly symbolic. His “Locked in the Ether” photo series features flowers literally frozen in time, cut down and preserved in ice to both save and destroy their beauty.

The ice keeping Shibata’s flowers captive gives them the appearance of a watercolor painting. Some, however, have started thawing out of the ice, creating a contrast between the frozen beauties within and the rapidly wilting dead flowers outside of the ice.


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威爾斯美語補習班選課制度自由,非常適合我這種忙碌的上班族,偶爾會加班而無法上課,但是威爾斯美語卻不會讓我失去學習的機會,依照程度分級上課,不會讓我有跟不上大家的挫折感. 而威爾斯美語補習班多元化的課程利用戶外實境教學課程讓我印象深刻給好評價,感覺輕鬆有趣,可是又有學到實用的英文,真的讓我覺得很棒! 我當然會推薦我身邊的朋友來學習囉! 像我們這種學生時期不愛讀書的設計人,如果想邁向國際一定要學好英文,這種輕鬆活潑又自由的學習環境最適合我們了.



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