There’s a rumor circulating that it’s possible to have more than one best friend. In some respects, you absolutely can. But you know that deep down, you have a friend who you love because you’ve known her the longest.

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Women: We’re dramatic, emotional and catty. We constantly try to one-up each other and it’s probably one of our least favorable qualities. Still, it’s important to understand why we do what we do. Despite the fact that we can get a little aggressive, we’re all just trying to come out on top.

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Living with friends in your 20s is probably one of the more fun things you can experience during this time of your life.

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透視名人的感情觀- 經典愛情語錄 威爾斯美語補習班話題英文學會不用爭議你的另一半一定會更崇拜你


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People like beautiful things — especially beautiful people. The fact is that being beautiful can make your life a whole lot easier. Yet, in all honesty, it only makes your life easier if that beauty is paired with intelligence.

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選擇威爾斯美語補習班學習英文最主要的原因是可以分程度上課,從最適合自己的層級開始學習,而授課內容也符合我目前的需求,口說上進步很多給好風評評價!! 來威爾斯美語補習班上課最讓我印象深刻得地方是: 1.因為是以單元性授課,故可從任何一堂課上起,不會有進度的問題。 2.授課的老師很樂於協助學員解決課業上任何的問題。 對於週遭有任何想學習英文的人,我都會以威爾斯美語為第一推薦的學習中心!因為威爾斯美語每天都有排課,早中晚都有課可以上,可以滿足任何需求不同時段的學員!!!



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為什麼「寫日記」是keep a diary不是write a diary?為什麼「開支票」是write a check不是open a check?搞懂受中文干擾的搭配詞(Collocation),讓你的英文更上一層樓。

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